Friday, July 23, 2010

Robben: Liverpool As Lethal As Barcelona

Arjen Robben claims Joe Cole's signing means Liverpool's attack is as good as Barcelona's.

Robben says his old club Chelsea boobed by letting Cole go and says he will be a huge success alongside Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres for the Reds.

"With a front three of Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres and Cole, I think Liverpool will be a real force in the Premier League," said the Dutchman.

"Last year was a freak year, but if those three click I can see them seriously challenging for the title.

"You look at those as a front three and you struggle to find a better front three in Europe - and I include Barcelona's in that.

"I think it was a big mistake of Chelsea's letting Joe go, and I am sure the fans feel the same way. At 28, even with his injuries, Joe must still be a £15 million-pound player in the current market."

Gerrard claims Cole is as skillful on the ball as Barcelona and Argentina star Lionel Messi - and Robben agrees.

"I read Gerrard's words about Joe being as good as Messi on the ball and I couldn't agree more," said the Bayern Munich winger.

''After training with him for so long I can tell you some of the things he can do with a football are as good as anything I have ever seen.

"If Joe is now played in a more central position he will score and create a lot of goals, I see him as a real runner for Player of the Season. He is not just about tricks, though - his vision is fantastic. The chances he will create for Torres will help Liverpool to have a trophy-winning season."

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