
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fans Celebrate And sing Broughton Praises After LFC Win

Reds fans were jubilant today after the High Court ruled in favour of RBS and LFC in the battle for the future of the club.
The mandatory injunction against Tom Hicks and George Gillett which RBS sought has been granted, meaning that the constitution of the LFC board - including club directors Christian Purslow and Ian Ayre - has been restored and that a sale can now go ahead.
Mr Justice Floyd, presiding over the case, said that the co-owners could not veto a sale and he has denied their automatic right to appeal.
Speaking after the trial, Martin Broughton said a board meeting was being set up for this evening.
Supporters comments have been flooding in to the ECHO website following the judgement.
TheShadowKnows said: "It's pretty much the last few moves for Hicks and Gillett now - can't imagine an appeal will make much difference.
"Let's just hope that NESV can deliver the stability, integrity and high quality management that they have promised. It's time for the players to demonstrate their commitment on the pitch - after all, you don't win football matches in court rooms!"
Shambeko said: "Well done Martin Broughton, Christian Purslow and Ian Ayre - you have my total respect. Thank you."

Jacippit said: "We have gained three new Liverpool FC legends today - they quietly, efficiently and ruthlessly went about destroying the opposition, something the team could learn a lot from!
"Well done Martin, Christian and Ian - you are a credit to both Liverpool FC and the city in general. Yes the road ahead might not be as smooth as it seems but this is a big step forward."
Ivanexile said: "The relief is unbelievable, well done guys. Now let's concentrate on getting the right owners this time. Message to Hicks and Gillett - what goes around comes around."
Spud2 said: "Fantastic news - our prayers are answered. Well done to all who fought in the red corner. We walked through the storm."
Deiseboy09 said: "Good news, but let's not rejoice yet - we still don't know what's happening with NESV and other offers. The champagne is still very much on ice until after a possible appeal and until we have an official statement on who is buying us and what the deal includes.
"My heart says NESV but I need some more convincing."
Jimmy Graney said: "What a great result. Martin Broughton took over the board at one of our club's lowest points. He came with a lot of fans not trusting him but he has proved his worth.
"Well done the Home Team - you have earned our trust and respect. Find the right buyers and you will go down in history as saviours of our club."
Dritan said: "Adios amigos - you will not be missed. Now I'll have to buy a bottle of good win, call my friends and celebrate.
"I will also order my new Liverpool shirt. This is a good day."
LFC fan Jim Boardman was pleased but felt the situation was not yet fully resolved, saying on Twitter: "You know that moment when the ball's hit the back of the net but the ref's not blown the whistle yet? That's how this feels."

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