
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Aldridge: Cole Must Be Praised For Frank Comments

Former Liverpool striker John Aldridge has praised Joe Cole's frankness and honesty about his own performances since joining the club in the summer. Writing in his column in the Liverpool Echo, Aldridge said: "Other than Steven Gerrard and possibly Raul Meireles, very few Liverpool players covered themselves in glory at Goodison Park on Sunday. Straight after the game, though, Joe Cole played a starring role and his comments after what was such a demoralising afternoon should only be applauded. Supporters are not stupid and they know when players are not at the top of their game but, from time to time, you get some individuals who try to pull the wool over people 's eyes. Joe's admission that he is experiencing the worst run of form in his career, though, made it clear that he is not interested in hiding and it took guts to make a statement like that after losing at the home of your biggest rivals. " Aldridge believes Cole is a "victim of circumstance" currently: "He has got the right attitude and so long as he keeps working hard, he will get his rewards sooner rather than later because his talent is there for all to see. Perhaps he is a victim of circumstance at the minute and being asked to fill a role on the left wing is not what many would have envisaged him doing at present. "

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