
Monday, September 27, 2010

Stephen Darby: Spearing Has Bad Taste In Music

The 21-year-old full-back is one
of the best players to emerge
from the Academy in recent years
and has made six first-team
appearances so far.
Here, Darby talks about the
senior experience he's amassed,
his eclectic taste in music and
why no-one wants to listen to Jay
Spearing's iPod.
Career high?
Making my debut for Liverpool
against Tottenham in the Carling
Cup - that's definitely my career
high. I found out the day before
I'd be on the bench and then I
came on for the last 15 minutes
in place of Philipp Degen.
Obviously when I was told I'd be
involved, a lot of different
thoughts went racing through
my head, but I was more excited
than anything else - I just wanted
to get on the pitch and play some
part. I didn't really sleep that
night though!
Career low?
I haven't really had too many
lows. My first start for Liverpool
at Anfield was against Fiorentina
in the Champions League and it
was obviously a very proud night
for me, but we conceded a goal
in the last minute which was
probably my fault and lost 2-1.
Looking back, I'd have to say that
but I played a couple of weeks
later against Reading in the FA
Cup and did quite well.
Best individual moment in a
(Pauses) I can't really're really testing me
with that! My last goal was about
three years ago against Sheffield
United in the FA Youth Cup.
Actually, I scored a penalty for
Swindon in a shootout in the
play-offs last season, so I think I'll
go for that.
Stadium you'd love to play in?
After Anfield, of course, it would
have to be the Bernabeu, simply
because some unbelievable
players have played there over
the years.
Which other team's results do
you look out for?
Having been on loan at Swindon
Town last season, I look out for
their results. I'm always checking
how they're doing - but Liverpool
come first.
First football shirt owned?
It was definitely a Liverpool one,
but I'm not sure which it was. I
used to buy the away shirts - I
had the cream one, the white
and green one and the yellow
one. I never used to get anyone's
name on the back though.
Who do you model your game
Being at Liverpool, I get to watch
Glen Johnson at close quarters
most days, so I'd have to say him.
He is England's first choice and
one of the best right-backs in
Europe. He's physically strong,
quick and good both going
forward and defensively. It's
great to have him here to take
things from his game and try and
adapt them into my own. I can
learn a lot from him.
What are you main strengths?
I would say defending, positional
play and I probably don't get
beaten too often in one-against-
one situations.
Areas you can improve?
You can always improve on
everything. I have been trying to
adapt the attacking side of my
game a bit more in the last few
months. In training, you're able
to try different things when
you're on the ball, so I've been
working on improving that area
of my game.
Last album downloaded?
Usher's latest album. It's good,
very good. Normally albums only
have one or two good tracks on
them, don't they? But I think all
of his songs on it are quite good.
I'm into any music, really. I like
RnB, dance and some of the
oldies - a bit of a mix. The lads
give me stick sometimes, but I
like a variety of music.
Go on then...what's your
favourite oldie?
The lads are going to kill me for's 'Build Me Up Buttercup'.
They're going to laugh at this,
but I'm happy for it to go on.
Last film watched?
A film called Case 39. I just
stumbled across it on Sky Movies
one night and didn't have a clue
what it was about at first, but it
turned out to be a scary film. It
was good, but a bit sick and
Favourite TV show?
The Inbetweeners. It's just
started up again and it's class.
Absolutely brilliant - I love all the
dry humour and one-liners. Jay's
probably my favourite character,
he makes me laugh with all his
Worst dresser?
Dean Bouzanis. He tries to buy
things like purple jeans and
bright blue tops and pull them
off - but it just doesn't work for
him. Dean's banter is quite good
though, so I think some of the
lads are a little bit scared to wind
him up about it - but I try to give
him a bit of stick.
Worst taste in music?
Jay Spearing. He's got a few bad
dance songs on his iPod.
Any 'Build Me Up Buttercups' on
He's got a couple - but they're
good songs! He's got some bad
ones though, and he'll know
what I am talking about when he
reads this.
Best mate in squad?
It has to be Jay again. We've been
playing together since about the
age of eight or nine and have
come right the way through the
ranks together - we've been
through a lot. We're really good
mates off the field as well and
see a lot of each other. I also still
keep in touch with a lot of the
lads who were here but have
moved on, the likes of Robbie
Threlfall and Craig Lindfield.
Funniest teammate?
Deano (Bouzanis) has got to be
in there because of his banter. All
of the lads have a laugh together
at the right times. It's very
important for team morale.
Teammate who spends longest
in front of the mirror?
Nathan Eccleston takes a bit of
time - he spends a while looking
at himself in the mirror. He gets a
bit of stick over it because he's a
little bit vain.
Most skillful teammate?
Alex Cooper likes a trick, as does
Gerardo Bruna, and Suso has
definitely got a few skills. I've
been very impressed with him
since he came here. He's shown
he's got a lot of quality. It's up to
him to keep working hard and
hopefully keep progressing.
Best ever player in your
I think Cafu. He was a brilliant
defender, nobody really ever got
past him, and going forward he
had a lot of quality as well. To
captain Brazil to a World Cup win
must have been incredible.
First person you text after a
My dad and that's always been
the case so I can find out what
he thought about the game and
how I did - what I did well and
what could have been better.
He's very honest with me and will
tell me if I've had a good or bad
game. That's good for me to hear
where he thinks I've gone wrong
and we'll talk about it together
and watch it back.
Best thing about playing for
With having a season ticket,
watching us for years and
growing up dreaming of playing
for Liverpool, to be able to have
made my debut and have played
a few first-team games is a
dream come true.

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