Monday, September 20, 2010

Spirit Of Shankly Plans Protests At Anfield

The Liverpool supporters' group
Spirit of Shankly has called for
two days of protest against the
current owners of the club, Tom
Hicks and George Gillett, and the
financial institutions who have
lent them money in the past.
The supporters' union will hold
an emergency general meeting
on Saturday morning before the
home game against Sunderland
at Anfield, followed by a protest
at the match. "We would like as
many supporters as possible, to
make their feelings known
towards the owners during the
Sunderland match, using
banners, flags and songs," said a
statement from the association.
"We ask everyone in the ground
to make their voices heard – let
everyone know you will no
longer tolerate the current
owners. Following the match,
irrespective of the result, we
intend to hold a sit in protest.
Regardless of where you sit,
remain in the ground and make
your views heard. Gather at the
front of the stand you are in,
with flags and banners, and
make your voices heard."
The protests will resume eight
days later for the home match
against Blackpool. "To build on
the momentum of this protest
and to increase pressure on the
owners, we are also proposing a
day of action at the match
against Blackpool," Spirit of
Shankly said.
"We will start this day with a
mass march to visibly show our
anger towards the owners and
those responsible for our current
situation. It will also be an
opportunity to show support for
what we want to achieve –
genuine supporter involvement
in how Liverpool Football Club is
run. Following on from the
march we want fans to take the
atmosphere generated into the
ground and make sure the whole
world knows how we feel."
Spirit of Shankly said its current
plans were just the start and it
would continue their campaign
against the club's American
owners until Liverpool had been

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