
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fans Not Game For Liverpool Ground Sharing

Representatives for supporter
groups of both Liverpool and
Everton have rejected a
proposed ground share
between the two clubs.
Liverpool have maintained their
stance on building a new home
in Stanley Park but Anfield
legend Kenny Dalglish mooted
the idea of a stadium to house
both the Reds and the Blues at
the weekend, with Everton
chairman Bill Kenwright
welcoming any discussions.
However both the Spirit of
Shankly (SOS) and Keep Everton
In Our City (KEIOC) have
unanimously dismissed the
Earlier this year, KEIOC and SOS
joined forces to unveil their
plans for a revolutionary
'football quarter' in North
Liverpool which would see both
Anfield and Goodison Park
redeveloped in addition to
regenerating the surrounding
areas and creating jobs as well
as boosting tourism.
Both groups continue to remain
committed to the initiative and
Colin Fitzpatrick, secretary of
KEIOC, said: "We have always
taken the approach that, for the
betterment of the club, all
avenues relating to a solution to
the stadium issue should be
explored. The scenario of the
shared stadium was
investigated objectively several
years ago.
"What was identified was that
whilst all the technical problems
could be addressed, the
underlying problem remained
that the target markets and
business models of both clubs
are so fundamentally diverse
that accommodating this
diversity would be detrimental
to both in the long term.
"Whilst the infrastructure and
some facilities, community,
education and cultural, could be
shared, the redevelopment of
the existing stadia represents
the most cost effective and
sensible solution to both of the
city's clubs.
"After having waited over a
decade for a solution further
time wasting opportunities, by
owners who have repeatedly
failed to deliver a solution,
should be dispensed with in
favour of a practical and
deliverable resolution to the
issue, a solution which would
be for the good of the fans, the
community and the city of
Paul Gardner, Community and
Youth Officer for SOS, added:
""Spirit Of Shankly members are
totally opposed to a ground
"We understand the importance
of finding a stadium solution
and have made steps to help
with this with the launch of The
Football Quarter earlier this
"We are working on The
Football Quarter alongside Keep
Everton in Our City to allow both
clubs to maintain their identities
and separate stadia whilst
working towards providing a
solution to the challenges at
both clubs.
"It is important for all parties
including the clubs, the council,
communities and more to be
involved in this process."

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