
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Joe Cole Faces Driving Disqualification After Caught Speeding

The 28-year-old Liverpool player was driving his Audi A4 on a dual carriageway in Surrey when a police officer spotted him breaking the 70mph limit.
He trained his laser device on the black car and it showed Cole to be driving at 105mph, Staines Magistrates' Court heard.
He will sentence Cole, whose address was given as Chelsea, London, this afternoon and warned that the footballer, who already has six points on his licence, faces disqualification.
Dean George, representing Cole, had claimed in court that the speed gun had not been used correctly, producing an inaccurate reading.
Andrew Mitchell, who has since retired from Surrey Police, used the laser speed gun that recorded the incident on November 19 last year.
He said he saw the car being driven towards him at 12.55pm that day, telling the court: ''I estimated it to be in excess of the 70mph speed limit.
''My estimate was confirmed when the laser, when shone on the vehicle, recorded a speed of 105mph.''
A recording of the incident was shown in court in which Cole appeared to be smiling as he drove past the police officer.
He was not pulled over, but instead had notice of the speeding offence sent to his home by Surrey Police.
The court heard that Cole later signed a document confirming he had been driving at the time.
Mr George works for Nick Freeman, the lawyer nicknamed Mr Loophole who specialises in speeding cases.
He argued that the police officer had failed to follow the guidelines in the handbook provided with the LTI laser gun, claiming the device was moving when it registered Cole's vehicle.
Mr George said that the subsequent reading was therefore "unreliable".
But the District Judge rejected the argument, saying the officer checked the device was working before using it.
Cole will have to pay £600 costs, the court heard.
Cole was sent off in his first Premier League game for his new club against Arsenal last weekend.

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