
Monday, July 26, 2010

Reason Three: A Dubious Manager In Roy Hodgson

Roy Hodson's words have been changing with times. In just weeks after coming in charge Roy has made a set of completely contrasting statements.
Even going by what he has said in the club's official site, we can find glaring mismatches.

Firstly Hodgson came in and within a day or two said the club had few experienced players and needed to strengthen on that front.
Just after a few days of signing Cole, he said, "we are keeping our eyes and ears open for extraordinary young talent who could be developed into Owens, Gerrards and Fowlers".
Was that one signing enough to add to the experience? Only Roy Hodgson knows best.
Just after taking over charge Roy went onto say that, he had a few names sorted for the transfers which he would discuss with the management.
Days later he said, "it's Purslow who is handling it, he knows the names so ask him about the potential transfers ".

What's the fuss?
Has Roy Hodgson bitten off more than he can chew by choosing to manage Liverpool?
Only time knows the answer, but at this rate looks an uncertain man.

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