
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Rally Against The American Owners Today

Supporters' Union Spirit of Shankly will hold a rally in Liverpool city centre on Sunday to demonstrate against the club's continued ownership by Tom Hicks and George Gillett.  
4th July is the date Americans mark the independence of their nation. SoS want to draw attention not only to the US duo being at the helm but also other present board members and to warn others who may see Liverpool Football Club as a cash in.
"This is our chance to send out a message that we want true independence, not only from Tom and George, but others who work the same as they do," a spokesman said.
"We no longer want Leveraged Buy Out merchants with their eyes on the accounts not the football pitch. We no longer want owners, who lie and fail to deliver.
"We want proper owners, true custodians. And the only ones who can truly deliver that is us the fans, the 12th man, that make this great club what it is."
Events and the launch of a supporter ownership campaign will be held on St George's Hall Plateau starting at 12 noon.
There will be speeches and music plus details of the credit union SoS hope will make buying into the scheme more accessible.
Former Liverpool striker John Aldridge will be attending with comedian John Bishop, actor Neil Fitzmaurice and Bill Shankly's grand-daughter Karen Gill.
Liverpool Walton MP Steve Rotheram and Communications Workers' Union leader Billy Hayes.
Music will be provided by John O' Connell (Groundpig), Ian McNabb (Icicle Works), John Power (Cast and The La's), Peter Hooton (The Farm) and Pete Wylie (The Wah!) plus the Sons of Anfield.

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